Volito Skies Debut Album 'TRANQUILLUM' Released by Soft Intricacies (Digital)

Volito Skies 
Released by Soft Intricacies (Digital) 


Volito Skies is a new (but old) project which started as an untitled, un-promoted and intentionally un-Bandcamp/Spotify album created and mixed throughout 2019. The main intention behind the album was to create an atmospheric/soothing set of sounds and songs which could either be focused on or left hanging in the background whilst meditating, cooking, reading, studying or just generally relaxing. It was used purely for that purpose for a few years. It was also occasionally sent or copied for friends on various handmade CD's or on longer mixtapes. All those who heard the album prior to a proper release seemed to enjoy it, so recently SL sat down to re-listen. 

'Tranquillum' consists of four long-form soundscape pieces rife with smooth, bright textures and long, sustaining passages of keyboard notes and tones. Designed to be comforting, all pieces were written with the intent of being more a structure of warm sound, as opposed to a distinct 'song' or descript 'piece'. Generally all tracks feature a structured keyboard passage, accompanied by FX-manipulated additional keys, and, on occasion, subtle electronics. 

This album was released by Soft Intricacies (Overall- 7, Digital- 6) and is available via Bandcamp, as well as also being available on Spotify.
The following statement features on Discogs/Bandcamp: 

'This album was created to be played as the basis of meditation or to help focus whilst studying, reading or relaxing. 
Volito Skies aims consistently to release albums for FREE where it is possible'

All sounds created using keys and electronics 
Written, performed, mixed and mastered by Sova Locus
Released by Soft Intricacies 

Thanks for listening,

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