'ANGELIC PORTALS' by SINCLAIR Co-Produced and Mastered by Sova Locus (Released on Soft Intricacies CD/Digital)


The debut album by Australian based hyperpop/experimental pop project Sinclair is out now, on Soft Intricacies (CD/Digital). The album is co-produced by Sinclair and Sova Locus (who also contributed samples/electronics and co-mastered the album) and features 8 tracks of dense, experimental hyper-pop music. Pummeling bass and low-end rumble beneath layers of synthesizers and vocals and a myriad of electronics, samples and drones. Limited printing of 15 CD's. 

Also hit up the two previously released music videos from the album (co-directed by Sinclair and Sova Locus, edited by Sova Locus with further art direction by Sinclair), available on the Soft Intricacies   YouTube channel:

Written, recorded, performed and mixed by Sinclair 
Electronics and samples by Sova Locus 
Produced and mastered by Sinclair and Sova Locus 
Recorded at The Chapel 
Released by Soft Intricacies (6- Disc 1)

Thanks for listening,


'Live at Knocklofty'
Bong Squad 

Part hip hop/part jam/part harsh noise, experimental freak-sounds, 'Live at Knocklofty' features the Bong Squad playing a house show in Knocklofty, and has been released on CD/Digital with accompanying zine, featuring flyers from the show as well as additional collage art/madness.  

VultureFoal (SL), performs on guitar and a variety of contact-mic based electronics. These instruments accompany micro-synth, turntables, wav drum and live tape deck DJ-ing to create over 40 minutes of a collage/free improv approach to hip hop/electronic music. 
This show was captured whilst supporting Priest Hole (black metal/black'n'roll), who organized the gig and acted as lovely hosts. 

Created/Produced as part of the 'Bong Squad Bootleg' (CD + zines) series: 

Produced, performed and 'mixed' 
Bong Squad 

Live audio extracted by Adamor Ziltch & Joe Shrimpton.

Vulturefoal- guitar, cymbals, mint tin, contact mics 
Axiam- microfreak 
Les Dewitt- tape deck, beats, wavedrum, toys & mic

Thanks for listening, 

SINCLAIR second single 'LETMEOUTMYCAGE!' released (Video and Music co-produced by Sova Locus and Sinclair)


The second single and music video, 'LETMEOUTMYCAGE!', from the debut album 'ANGELIC PORTALS' by Australian Hyperpop/Experimental pop project Sinclair has been released on the Soft Intricacies YouTube channel. 
This follows the first single 'NIGHTCRAWLER', which, like 'LETMEOUTMYCAGE!' features music co-produced by Sinclair and Sova Locus, as well as a music video co-directed by SL and Sinclair, shot and edited by SL, with further art direction/concept by Sinclair. 

As well as co-producing, SL wrote several small keyboard lines and sections on the album, as well as contributing sampling and electronics to the songs. 'ANGELIC PORTALS' follows in the same style as LETMOUTMYCAGE/NIGHTCRALWER; mixing elements of noise pop, electronic music, hyperpop and many more. 

Co-Produced by Sinclair and Sova Locus. 
Video Co-Directed by Sinclair and Sova Locus. 
Video Editing by Sova Locus. 
Art Direction by Sinclair 

Thanks for listening, 

SINCLAIR debut single 'NIGHTCRALWER' released (Video and Music co-produced by Sova Locus)


The first single from 'ANGELIC PORTALS', the debut album by Australian based Hyperpop/Experimental pop act Sinclair is out now, with accompanying music video on the Soft Intricacies YouTube Channel. 
SL is co-producing the entire album with Sinclair, and is releasing the album on Soft Intricacies (CD/Digital). The two collaborated on this 'NIGHTCRAWLER' video, with SL editing, filming and co-directing the music video. 

As well as co-producing, SL wrote several small keyboard lines and sections on the album, as well as contributing sampling and electronics to the songs. 'ANGELIC PORTALS' follows in the same style as NIGHTCRALWER; mixing elements of noise pop, electronic music, hyperpop and many more. 

Co-Produced by Sinclair and Sova Locus. 
Video Co-Directed by Sinclair and Sova Locus. 
Video Editing by Sova Locus. 
Art Direction by Sinclair 

Thanks for listening,