Primal Regression Therapy 'ASTRAL AGNOISA' (CD/Digital) Mixed and Mastered by Sova Locus

'Astral Agnosia'
Primal Regression Therapy 
Released by Frustration Jazz (CD/Digital)

Australian drone/soundscape band Primal Regression Therapy recently released their second album (after numerous EP's and 'mini-albums'), titled 'Astral Agnosia' on Australian based free improv/experimental label Frustration Jazz (CD/Digital). SL had the pleasure of doing extensive mixing after preliminary mixes and tracking were done. Following from this, SL also mastered the entire album. 

Sonically, 'Astral Agnosia' follows the progression that PRT have made, from HNW-style power electronics, to dark drones, to something more akin to soundscape or meditative drone music. Each of the four pieces utilizes a variety of instruments, including woodwinds, electronics, musical saw, guitar, synth and voice. 

All tracks written, performed and produced 
Primal Regression Therapy 

Mixed and Mastered   
Sova Locus 

Thanks for listening, 

'Etching I' zine by Sova Locus

'Etching I'
Sova Locus 

'Etching I' is the latest zine created by Sova Locus. The zine is made of digital collages (generally layered abstract shapes and colors) which are then printed and photocopied over multiple times, creating further collage layering.
The zine was created for and sold at a few local zine fairs, and was also traded with other artists. 

Interests in zines or trades may be inquired to via:  

'Etching I' created by Sova Locus. 
Initial Edition of 20. 
Printed by Soft Intricacies 

Thanks for listening.   

SHALLOWER TRACK 'Dockyards' Features on 'Harsh Noise Corpus' (CD/Tape/Digital) International Noise Compilation 


Whilst trying to compose more Shallower tracks (and essentially shelving everything I made), I took the opportunity to compose and mix a standalone track for inclusion on the international noise compilation 'Harsh Noise Corpus', put out on CD/cassette and digital by The Hills Are Dead Records. 

'Dockyards' harkens back to the same compositional style evident on earlier Shallower tracks; more chaotic and erratic feedback, underpinned by streams of power electronics inspired noise. Along with the obvious electronic noises on the track, I spent quite a while densely sampling a CD I bought at an op shop which features nothing but recorded animal noises. Mixing these noises in alongside other sounds helped to forge somewhat of a structure. I believe the texturing of electronic elements mixed with the sampled (and sonically manipulated) animal sounds creates an interesting crossover.  

The Hills are Dead Records released this collection of tracks digitally and on tape and CD, which are available for purchase through the link above and the labels Bandcamp page/site.   
Written, composed and produced 

Printed, compiled, mastered and released 
The Hills are Dead Records 
Thanks for listening. 

'Slating/Drifted' Zine by Sova Locus

Sova Locus 

‘Slating/Drifted’ is a small-press, custom zine created by Sova Locus. Utilizing previously explored free-form drawing techniques, the zine’s present five black abstract pieces inspired by improvisation and simple, hand-based gestures. Each zine is custom, presenting a completely different layout and set of drawings from edition to edition.

Only 5 copies were created; they were all traded or given away for free to friends or fellow artists.

Interests in zines or trades may be inquired to via:

'Slating/Drifted' created by Sova Locus
Edition of 5

Printed by Soft Intricacies 

Thanks for listening.




''Ades Draconis: Remixes’
Arcanum AZF

The compositional period of the first three Arcanum AZF albums, specifically the third (‘Knights of the Sun’) was completed with a large portion of tracks, ideas and sounds leftover. The latest AZF album is a remix of some of the tracks featured throughout our first three albums melded with un-used and additional leftovers. Altogether, the album sonically reflects soundscapes and texturing as opposed to the more ‘musical’ and rhythmic elements of ‘Knights of the Sun’.

This remix album was created and mixed by Sova Locus, based on sounds collected, written, and produced by Arcanum AZF (O.M. and Sova Locus).

The Bandcamp description reads:

‘A collection of remix tracks utilizing remixed, re-edited and soundscape-d sounds from previous Arcanum AZF albums:

Kaleidoscopic Crusades
Knights of the Sun
Along with a plethora of unmixed and unreleased jams, riffs, noises, improvisations, dreams and sounds created over the course of composition and writing of the previous three albums.’

Remixes by Sova Locus
Album Art/Concept/Art Direction by O.M.

All audio created by:
O.M: Various Instruments/Compositions/Sounds
Sova Locus: Various Instruments/Compositions/Sounds
Released by Soft Intricacies Sound
All tracks composed and produced by Arcanum AZF

Thanks for listening.