'Drone Texture'
Drawing/Sound Installation
Sova Locus

These are a few rough photos of a few of my drawings which featured as my folio for a drawing class that I did. Eventually I'll try and get some more higher quality photos, but here are some basic ones for now.

'Drone Texture' was created through exploration of a site-specific area in the art school. My site featured a lot of vents and air conditioning, meaning that there was a droning hum in the room. I utilized this sound to create these drawings, which are attempts and experiments in texturing. The drawings were accompanied by a basic sound piece, which featured layered recordings of the sites sounds.


Kaleidoscopic Crusades
Arcanum AZF

Arcanum AZF is a recently created duo of me and a close friend and fantastic visual artist Dajjal Wolfgang our first release on Bandcamp is 'Kaleidoscopic Crusades', available from the link above. The release shows off the basic conceptual themes of the duo: improvised recording, the usage and abusage of electronics and FX, and an interest and exploration into themes of the esoteric, both historically and visually.

'Kaleidoscopic Crusades' was recorded in one afternoon on Wolfgang's coffee table. Later, I spent some time mixing and editing the recordings together into four distinctive tracks. My aim with mixing 'Kaleidoscopic Crusades' was to mesh the sounds of both players together in to one coherent sonic wave of frequencies, feedback and sound.

Dajjal Wolfgang- Synth, No-Input Pedal Board, Cover Art/Design
Sova Locus- Electronics, Sound Processing, Keys, Mixing

All tracks composed and produced
Arcanum AZF

Thanks for listening.